A local non-profit organization that provides volunteer services through a network of churches. The leadership of our daily operations is provided by an Executive Director, office staff, and our volunteers. Many church members have a desire to share Christ's love by serving people with needs, but they don't know how to reach those who need their help. Golden Rule LOVE INC makes connections between church volunteers and those in our communities who have unmet needs. We are here to help!
Our Ministries at Love INC
Making A Difference

Transportation Ministry
Making Connections
FREE rides to local
appointments via Love INC volunteer availability. This service is based on volunteer availability and generally requires a
3-4 day advance request.
We connect church volunteers with people in the surrounding community.
Our ministry services Union, Snyder, and upper Northumberland Counties.
Care & Concern Ministry
Helping The Community
At Golden Rule Love INC, we
are dedicated to reaching out to those in need and building relationships through friendly visits and phone calls. This ministry hopes to build bridges between people; bringing people together to share interests. We are always striving to make a difference and invite you to learn more and lend your support.
Home & Yard Ministry
Home-life Assistance
With this ministry, we look at each situation. Still, we do have limits ... minor repairs, spring clean-up, leaf raking, and snow removal are areas we support by gathering volunteers and youth groups to help the elderly or people in need. We can look into offering assistance with small moves too. We can help with smartphones, tablets, and computers with limited technical support.